October 31, 2005 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on PicturesI had a nice entry all typed out and I just had to add one photo. But stupid stupid web program, decided to open the link in the window I was typing in and not the other window I had open like I wanted and I lost it all. So, you are just going to get a fly by of photos…
Got more hall lights installed (even after being shocked by the ac power running through one of the outlet boxes, stupid stupid previous owners).
Did lots of stitching on Saturday surrounded by friends and good food.
Finished pigs and started lions:
And ash on the left side:
No pictures of woven scarf. Meeting yesterday for Honduras was cancelled (while I was driving to it). DH wisdom teeth out on Friday and it went well. I might have a new oboe teacher.
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