Time for lots and lots of Pictures!

October 20, 2005 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Time for lots and lots of Pictures!

First up… the hallway. I finished it on Sunday and took some pictures last night. I’ll start with what it looked like before (the picture is actually from December when we first saw the house):

Followed by two afters. I think the front door stands out so much better with the painted walls. The second picture is the long part of the L wallway that goes to the bedrooms (standard 70’s rancher house):

Next up is my weaving. I finished my first project (before that I did a sampler thingy to learn). I did a set of 4 towels for my DSIL’s birthday (in August).

Next is the project I started last night! I measured the warp, warped the loom and even started to weave all in about two hours! They aren’t kidding when they say quick weave. I got inspiration from the current issue of Handwoven and bought some Lion Suede to make a scarf. Here it is on my little loom. I set up the loom on the floor of the living room and weave while watching tv.

And a close up:

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