Weekend Round-Up

October 11, 2005 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Weekend Round-Up

Saturday was the Waterford Fair. I just joined the Waterford Weavers Guild last month and one of the requirements is that you have to work a shift at the fair. No problem since I think it is cool (I had to dress in period costume too!). So, Saturday morning during the rains, I worked the booth trying to sell the goods that the ladies made during the year (mostly weaving with some knitted items and even some handspun stuff). I’m already thinking about what I’ll put in the fair next year. And DH baked cookies for me while I was gone.

Sunday was yoga and then a stop by Home Depot to get paint for the hallway. Then we got some movies and I spun up about 4 oz of wool into about 170 yards. I think it is about a worsted. That is on the right. The yarn on the left is hand dyed yarn I bought at the fair.

I had off yesterday so after helping move the guild stuff from the shed to the storage place. I then went home and started taping the hallway. Then I went over to a friend’s and we ran around the block (which is over a mile). When I got home I made some dinner and finished up the taping and starting the painting! I have one wall finished. I haven’t broken out the roller yet. But the wall with the front door isn’t big enough for a roller so I just used the brush for all of it. The paint color is two shades lighter than the living room and looks like butter. In low light it almost looks white! I can’t wait to see it finished. Tomorrow after work I’m going to break out the roller.

Oh and guess what DH discovered yesterday morning! My orchid put out a shoot and I think we’re going to get some flowers! This is the first time it will have bloomed since I got it more than three years ago. The funny thing is that it will probably bloom just about the time that the lady who gave it to me gets married.

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