I broke my wheel!

August 8, 2005 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on I broke my wheel!

I did a lot of spinning yesterday and ended up breaking my wheel! Granted it is just the footman to treadle connector and will cost about $5 to replace. But I broke my wheel!

I didn’t get everything accomplished that I wanted this weekend (sounds like last weekend, doesn’t it). I did the majority of DH’s shirt, but I got tired of sewing and I’ll get back to it this week sometime. I think about all I have to do is sew in the sleeve, hem up the bottom and hand sew down the collar and cuffs.

My combs arrived on Saturday so I washed up the fleece I got at the local market (just half a pound to try it out). On Sunday I combed it and spun up a sample. The fleece didn’t seem as dirty as the last bunch I washed so I didn’t do as many soap soakings. As a result, I have to wash it again to get more lanolin out. My hands felt sticky after spinning it. I used the combs to play with some of my Kool Aid roving and spun up about 2 ounces of red for my sister’s bag. I got one ounce knitted already but then I goofed and I have to tink an entire round. At that point I just put it down for the night.

And my solo yesterday… Oh I didn’t tell you about that did I? Well, our last summer concert was last night. In one of the songs I had a little solo (acutally a duet with the trumpet and then later in the song a duet with the piccolo). I have been practicing and practicing. And I think I did really well. It helped that it was a “Concert and Swim”. Which means that we were set up at the side of the community pool with the audience sitting around or in the pool. Not really a scarey atomosphere. I can honestly say that it was the first time I’ve every played to swimmers. Not only that but I got invited to help out another county band (which I had to decline since my oboe is out of commission until it gets back from the shop) and to play at a “tea” in September. I think I’m going to do the tea, but with my recorder instead of my oboe. We will be stationed around just playing solos and providing atmosphere.

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