Too many interests not enough time
August 18, 2005 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Too many interests not enough timeMy wheel is out of commission until the replacement part comes in (it was back ordered). The thread/rope holding the back apron on to warp roller broke on my loom (easy to fix, just need to tie it back on with something stronger). So, it feels like my fibery ambitions have come to a halt for now. But I did buy yarn to make towels as a birthday gift of my SIL. My DH picked out the colors for the stripes (red and yellow) and I got natural for the main part to tone down his choices.
So, after my weekend get-away with the girls, I’m back to stitching. I made great progress on Phoenix and on Monday I moved on to Spring Valley. I have visions of finishing the page either this rotation or next. I’ve decided I’m going to head up a page next. That should go quickly since the isn’t as much confetti in the mountains. And then since next week is my free week (four week rotation in a five week month), I’m going to be good and work on Noah’s ark since I didn’t touch it earlier this month.
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