Exciting news…

July 20, 2005 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Exciting news…

I forgot to tell you the exiciting news. Well, first some background. On Saturday I read At Knit’s End outloud while DH drove us to our stained glass friends’ house. He was laughing up a storm. He really is enjoying this book. On the way back, he dropped the bomb, he said to me… I want you to teach me how to knit. Of course I finally got him to admit that it was because he doesn’t think I’ll get his self-patterning knee high socks finished in time for the Ren Fest in September/October (it will be part of his costume). So, he wants me to teach him to knit so he can make them himself. I think he also likes the idea that he has made everything else in his costume (including hemming 8 yards of cloth for his kilt). He picked it up really fast. But I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually learned to knit during his 4-H days. I told him to just wait, I’ll get him spinning yet!

On other fronts, my evil plans are starting to come together. I just have to win something on Ebay and I’ll have all the tools to make my evil plans come true!

I’m hoping that my wool combs will come soon. I really want to start processing the fleece I bought and I want the combs to do that! In the mean time, I’m working through the roving I have in my stash (not that it is much). I have about 7oz of kool aid roving left, some merino/silk roving, some cormo/alpaca roving, some unknown wool roving (I got it as a thank you from the beginner class for loaning them my wheel), and the brindle alpaca roving I got over the weekend. I did have a small bag of roving bits that I picked up at MDS&W in ’04. Know that I know how to properly card, that went really fast and I spun that up into a rainbow yarn. I’m thinking about using it to make a spindle bag for my bead spindle and bowl. Oh, and I want to spin up the samples I got in my variety fiber pack. Some I want to do on the wheel and some on the bead spindle. I also want to have another go at my drop spindles.

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