Happy 4th!

July 1, 2005 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Happy 4th!

I don’t have big plans for the weekend. I’m going to try and finish the baby afghan for my sister so I can give it to her on Sunday. I’m almost finished the 3rd side. So, I think it is definitely do-able since DH has Kendo and I’m home alone until 9 tonight. Sunday we are going to the IL’s for a BBQ. And then on Monday, my band is playing the musical accompaniment to the fireworks in P’ville. It sounds like fun, but this will be my third year that I went to the fireworks but didn’t get to see them.

Next week I’m going to attempt to restart my rotation. So, I’ll have to get my stand out of the craft room and set it up. I had it in the living room before, but I’ve been hanging out mostly in the sunroom recently.

No, house pictures yet (I’m going to ask about them on Sunday when I stop by church). So, I’ll close with a picture of Muddy Creek Falls (in the same park as Swallow Falls) which at 52 feet is the most impressive in Maryland.

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