Turtle Pictures!

June 13, 2005 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Turtle Pictures!

I know that is why people come here… in the hopes of seeing more turtle pictures! Right, Erin? This is a picture of Crush swimming around in the new set up. I upgraded the filter from a tiny little Whisper that hung on the back of the tank to this:

A Fluval 404! I’ve been reading Red Eared Slider OaSis after I did a search for filter for my turtles. I also found the recommendation for this filter on another site, so I went ahead and got it. I removed all the gravel since it could be a hazard to the turtles and it is easier to clean with out it. I also filled up the tank with more water. The turtles love to swim and it has been lots of fun watching them dart around the tank.

I also painted the living room this weekend. I still have one coat left to do on the edges near the trim but I have to get a bit more paint tonight to finish that up.

I tried to start Ribby Shell over the weekend. I was making great progress and was about to change to the next sized needles when I realized that I was knitting a mobius instead of a cylinder. So, I’ll have to rip it all out and start again. After I realized that, I put it aside and attempted to spin some of the Kool Aid roving. Well, after having it break on me four times, I gave that up. I decided to use my destructive forces for good and ripped out the hideous wallpaper in the dining room. DH joking said that he wanted me to finish one room before I destroy another. But who cares what he says (I think he was joking), I lasted three months with that stuff, I couldn’t take it any longer!

Can you see the green and burgandy floral wall paper on the bottom with mint green walls on the top (and check out the burgandy curtains they kindly left for us). I took this picture when I first saw the house (as in three months before we went to closing and moved in). This is what it looks like now…

Doesn’t everyone keep turtles in their dining room? All I did was remove the wallpaper. And boy, the things I found! There is a huge patch job on one wall. They only adhered the wallpaper on the edges. They wallpapered the outlet covers and painted the outlets green! The additions that were done by the previous owners were done after the wallpaper was up. As in, the wallpaper is behind some moulding! For the future, we are leaning towards beige with bamboo accents (very Asian).

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