I’m rotating!

May 5, 2005 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on I’m rotating!

This morning when I went to go get my gazebo for stitching tonight, I just didn’t feel like working on it. So, I went through my other stuff (all four of them) and pulled out Noah’s Ark to work on.

Our landlord left a message Tuesday night. He is going to send us a check in the next day or two. He is subtracting propane and light bulbs. Light bulbs! Yup, unfortunately DH agreed to that (after the landlord expected us to go and replace them twenty days after we moved out) just to get him off our back. That is usual wear and tear and we shouldn’t have to pay for it. I’m expecting him to get the really expensive track lighting bulbs at $15 each. I have a bottom line that I expect the number to come in at. If it is below that without receipts or documentation of any sort, expect to see a small mushroom cloud coming from the Northern VA area as I explode.

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