I’ve been tagged!
May 13, 2005 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on I’ve been tagged!I’ve been tagged by Christine, so I guess I’ll play along.
Pick five things from the following list, and then complete the sentence, and tag another 3 people.
The List
If I could be a scientist . . .
If I could be a farmer . . .
If I could be a musician . . .
If I could be a doctor . . .
If I could be a painter . . .
If I could be a gardener . . .
If I could be a missionary . . .
If I could be a chef . . .
If I could be an architect . . .
If I could be a linguist . . .
If I could be a psychologist . . .
If I could be a librarian . . .
If I could be an athlete . . .
If I could be a lawyer . . .
If I could be an inn-keeper . . .
If I could be a professor . . .
If I could be a writer . . .
If I could be a llama-rider . . .
If I could be a bonnie pirate . . .
If I could be an astronaut . . .
If I could be a world famous blogger . . .
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world . . .
If I could be married to any current famous political figure . . .
If I could be a scientist . . .
If I could be a gardener . . .
If I could be a farmer . . .
If I could be an astronaut . . .
I don’t care if this isn’t the right way to do it, but for these four, I’d be in charge of plant/food production on Mars. Which leaves just one left.
If I could be an inn-keeper, I’d have a small place in the middle of now where that got enough people through to support the inn, but not so many that I couldn’t enjoy myself (sort of a semi-retirement).
I’m not sure who to tag. So, if you want me to tag you, just let me know.
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