Landlord/Tenant Disputes

May 12, 2005 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Landlord/Tenant Disputes

About all I have to say is that I’m in the process of finding myself a lawyer. Good thing I have the company legal plan. I called for for legal advice over the phone and the lawyer supports our stance on the light bulbs. So, I’m going to hire a lawyer to write a letter and if we don’t get satisfaction after ten days, we are taking him to court.

In other news, I’m back from my business trip. The last night we got a hotel near the airport and I got stuck in a smoking room. I should have screamed when they said that was all they have. But I didn’t, I just wanted to go to sleep and go home. I know better now. All my clothes smell like smoke! Disgusting! I should have screamed since I had a reservation for a non-smoking room. Oh well, in the future I’ll have to get the “SUCKER” off my forehead.

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