Isn’t it nice…

May 2, 2005 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Isn’t it nice…

When everything just falls into place. I was thinking this late last week, but I can’t remember why. Something about how I usually don’t worry because something always comes through. Maybe it had something to do with the program I’m working on getting confirmed.

Since then, my sister’s friend finally decided she didn’t want the bunk beds, so we get them. I’m going to use the box springs under the king size mattress in the guest room for now, and the rest will go into storage for when we have a family.

And the most recent was this afternoon. DH has decided that he would like to have a second riding mower so we can both be cutting the lawn at the same time to make it go faster (otherwise it is 4 hours not including trimming). So, we’ve been thinking about it and decided to look around for a used mower and haven’t really progressed past that. This afternoon I was talking to a co-worker (who asked what I did this weekend and I said we mowed some, mowed some more, and then mowed). My co-worker said that he started to have his lawn mowed by a service and was going to see how it goes before he tries to figure out what to do with his riding mower. Of course I said that we were in the market for a used mower. So, we get to borrow his mower until he decides if he wants to keep the service or go back to doing it himself. And the great thing… if he decides to keep the service, we get to keep the mower for free! Wow, is that nice or what! I think his mower needs a little servicing, but that is okay.

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