What is up next?
May 27, 2005 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on What is up next?Well, in the world of knitting, I bought more yarn (I’m usually really good). So, that brings the total up to four projects that are kitted up and ready for me to knit. Earlier this week, I bought the patterns for Ribby Shell and Ribby Cardi. And I also bought the yarn for them.
Orange Brandy for the shell and Autumn Purple/Lotus Blossom for the cardi. Both are Peruvian Highland Wool from Elann. I’m going to start the shell next after I’m done the baby blanket (hopefully the end of next week). That way I’ll be able to wear it this summer. Then I’m going to work on one of my older kitted up projects, Liv by Elsabeth Lavold from her Viking Knits Collection.
And in the spinning world. Remember that conference I talked about way back in March. Well, I found out this week that I got my class. Gee, it took them two months to tell me and for the charge to show up on my card? Whatever. I’m going and I’ll be happy about it. It might be a tad expensive, but it will be an intense 18 hours of instruction in only a couple of days. I’ll be an expert by the end!
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