We are slowing moving in…

March 2, 2005 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on We are slowing moving in…

I did five loads while DH did six loads last night. I can fit 25 banker boxes in my car plus some misc stuff and still see out the back window. I love my RAV4! DH took all the big boxes and the furniture since he has an F150. So far the new house has most of the boxes and a small amount of furniture. I set up the bed last night (it takes a while since it is a soft-sided water bed) while DH did the sixth trip. We also have the tv, dvd player, and the Directv/DVR at the new house. That came over on the fifth trip and my job while he was gone was to set up the bed, kitchen table, and tv. He didn’t get home until 8pm and I was in a panic since he forgot the tv power cord on the fifth trip and I couldn’t verify that I had plugged the Directv into the correct coax jack (there are three in the living room and I know one goes to the antenna on the roof). So, I ran inside as soon as he got back (with the power cord) and was extremely relieved to find that I did set it up right and the DVR didn’t forget any of our season passes and Gilmore Girls was being recorded.

There a couple of things about the new house that we want/need to fix. They installed a right side door knob on the front (left side) door. So you have to pull the lever up to open the door. Very annoying. The hallway has three ceiling fixtures… all of which are different! And probably the worst, with the nifty workbench in the garage, DH’s truck doesn’t fit! So, we’ll have to change sides and cut about three feet off the workbench to get that monster in (it is only a basic F150!).

I did take a picture of the backyard to update the picture at the top… but my computer is still at the old house and DH’s laptop doesn’t have the photostitch software to create the panorama. That will have to wait until tonight.

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