T-8 Days

February 21, 2005 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on T-8 Days

Only 8 days left! The packing stepped up a notch over the weekend. We started on the kitchen and boy does it feel like we are moving now.

I’m off for the day, so my plan is to head to a friends to stitch. I’m thinking about bringing Night Flight and working on the basketweave border wasteland.

The concert on Saturday was good. But my attempts at something crafty just failed miserably. I tried to knit but ended up frogging more than I knit. Then I tried to spin. I got another bobbin of pink pencil roving finished up so I tried my hand at navajo plying and promptly broke the single. So, I shoved that aside and just watched tv (nothing to brake or mess up that way).

Friday night was interesting, but not something I want to repeat. I came home from practice to find DH almost foaming a the mouth. Our loan processor had called saying that he needed more information and the explaination we gave for a deposit in October wasn’t sufficient (it was two of DH’s paychecks deposited at once). Plus they needed an explaination for a deposit in November (in the exact amount as DH’s paycheck). They were saying we needed to get them copies of the cancelled checks… ummm.. the checks weren’t written on our account, how do we go about getting copies of checks we deposited? So, he told DH (when I was still out) that a copy of his pay stub would be good. That just set us off, because we already supplied him two copies of DH’s paystubs why do they need more to show what he makes? So, I left a message about 11 pm on Friday night (nice of them to call 7pm on a Friday night before a three day weekend) saying that I was confused and for him to call me back. Which he did on Saturday! He went over the list again, and when he said that DH was going to send his copies of his paystub, I polietly reminded him that he already had copies. And then I said, if the paystub will work for the single deposit why isn’t it good enough for the double deposit? So, we got those two things scratched off the list. The rest of the items I didn’t really have a problem with. But I really hate it when I have to politely remind them how to do their job.

And of course this is our first home, so after I got home Friday night, we weren’t sure if for some reason they would take our loan away (we needed to explain why DH was unemployed for six months last year) or if we would even be able to close next week. We have a commitment letter so I didn’t think they would take our loan away, but the letter also said that all paperwork had to be in five business days before closing. And because of the holiday, we might not have made that. I called my mom (the realtor) Saturday morning and talked through things with her and she reassured me that it was just the mortage company proving how powerful they are and that we are good business for them and they will do everything they can to get us our loan and go to closing on the 1st, just that sometimes they get full of themselves and want to prove how much power they have over us little people. And they usually aim to get all the paperwork in the day before a closing.

So, we stopped by my work on the way to the concert Saturday night and faxed all the paperwork they wanted. I guess I’ll just sit back and wait for what else they want. They will probably say that DH’s explaination of his gap in employment is not sufficient.

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