T – 3 Days and the house is empty

February 26, 2005 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on T – 3 Days and the house is empty

Not the one we are currently in but the one we are buying. Our realtor called last night to schedule the walk-thru (will happen tomorrow) and he said that the sellers will be gone today. I drove by the house on the way home and they had a moving van out front! Yeah! The sellers also went into the settlement company on Friday and signed all their paperwork, now don’t ask me why they insisted that we change the settlement date from Feb 28th to March 1st when they signed and were gone by the 26th. I figure that back in December they didn’t know exactly when their new house was going to be finished.

And to make this weekend even more happy, I found a couple of hours last night to work on Night Flight… and I finished it!

And I just have to post this picture. My DH decided to make Pushkin a fountain instead of buying one of those water bowl fountains. This is what we saw this morning…

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