T – 4 days!

February 25, 2005 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on T – 4 days!

I bet most of you will be happy when I move so I can start coming up with a more witty title for my blog entries. But for now, the move and buying our first home is taking up most of my brain power. Today is the day that the sellers are going to the settlement agency to sign all the papers. Their movers are coming either Sunday or Monday and then they are hopping into their motor home and driving to Florida.

Yesterday was a very good day around here. We got word from the mortgage loan processor that the package came back from the underwriter approved! Yay! The lender and the settlement agency just need to talk they know how much the closing costs will be. I’m hoping to get that information either today or Monday. I definitely need it before Monday or I’m going to get a check cut for the amount from our last good faith estimate.

Yesterday I worked in Night Flight’s seemingly endless black basketweave border. I stitched on it for about an hour at the stitch ‘n such at lunch time and then about two hours at Sue’s last night. And I’m happy to report that I finished the border! All that is left now is to put some random sparkle in the moon and figuring out how I’m going to sign this monster. I’m leaning towards backstitching with sparkle in the border. I’m hoping to have some time this weekend to do that. But who knows with only 4 days until we move!

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