MAFA Conference

February 25, 2005 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on MAFA Conference

I was just surfing around trying to get more information about a local guild when I found this…

The Mid-Atlantic Fiber Association will be having their 2005 Conference Basics and Beyond at the National Conference Center in Landsdowne, VA. They have lots and lots of different classes but I’m most interested in the intermediate spinning class. And the most tempting thing about the conference is that it will only be about 22 minutes (according to Mapquest) from my house! The registration for non-members starts next week (the day we close to be exact) and late registration begins on the 15th. If our closing costs come in around the good faith estimate, I think I’m going to try and do it. But if it comes in higher, I’ll have to pass for this year.

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