Still no Niddy Noddy
January 25, 2005 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Still no Niddy NoddyI ordered my niddy noddy with some other goodies back in December some time (between Christmas and New Years). The majority of the shipment arrived in about a week or so. But my niddy noddy was backordered. The invoice said that it would arrive within 2-4 weeks. This weekend will be 4 weeks. I want my niddy noddy! I have all three of my bobbins full (two have two ply and the third has singles from pencil roving). I really want to get them off the bobbins so I can spin some more. I could use the back of my kitchen chair, but for the past two weeks I’ve been thinking that I’ll just wait because my niddy noddy will be here any day now. If it isn’t here by Monday, I’ll send an email to the company asking for an updated estimated delivery.
In stitching news, I’ve put away Night Flight after only working on it maybe four hours last week. I didn’t stitch at all last night (I usually stitch for two hours on Monday and Wednesday nights) and who knows about Wednesday night. I think I’ll just put in much time as I feel like for the next couple of weeks (can you say stitching slump) and just continue to rotate even if that means only an hour or so per project each week.
Right now I want to spin and knit and I can’t do either! I want to start on either my sweater or Scott’s but I broke those needles. I want to spin, but my bobbins are full. I want to use my super bulky wool/alpaca blend for a hat for me, but I can’t find a pattern I like. I want to make a pair of fingerless mits for DH… this one I might actually be able to do. I hate the cheapo aluminum needles I got to replace my nice Brittany ones. The yarn for the baby afghan is squeaking! I was going to wait until Knit Happens opened up their new online store to use my gift certificate. But I don’t think I can wait anymore. I might just have to send Kristine an email now to get replacement needles.
And if you haven’t guess (or don’t visit The Wagon), I’m on the wagon big time in regards to spending. Until we close on the house on March 1st, I’m spending no money on anything except food, gas and bills. But I luckily have a couple of gift certificates under my belt from Christmas that will get me through this needle disaster.
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