Ba humbug…

January 21, 2005 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Ba humbug…

I haven’t felt like posting much because I haven’t felt all that crafty. I had problems getting into the groove with Spring Valley last week and this week I just keep focusing on the fact that I won’t be able to finish the border on Night Flight like I was hoping.

DH’s truck broke down yesterday morning. I swear that thing breaks down once a year and picks the worst time. Just what we need right now, a repair bill while we are trying to frantically save for closing in March. So, that means he drops me off at work in the morning. Why is it that I’m the one most inconvienced when *his* truck breaks down? Last time, I had to borrow a friends Jeep while he took my car. This time, he takes my car and abandons me at work. I got here about an hour early this morning and I’ll probably be here an hour later than usual (which means an extra two hours). And the reason for this? It is hard to carpool when our works are an hour apart! I think it sounds more impressive when I say we work in different states. Okay and I should probably note that the reason he takes me car and drops me off is because he is doing all the driving (half an hour to my work and then an hour to his work) while I just sit there and try to sleep for the half hour I’m in the car.

I don’t usually do these, but for some reason I feel like it today. Here is the Friday forum that I found on Whiz’s blog.

1. When you write an e-mail, do you usually use correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.? Or do you prefer to type a “stream of consciousness” message and not worry so much about the technical stuff? Do you spellcheck your e-mails?

I guess it depends on if the email is for work or is personal. For work emails I try to use proper grammar and be PC and all. But for personal emails I just do stream of consciousness. I only check spelling if I’m unsure about a word. I used to use the spell checker more often but over the years my spelling has actually improved so I don’t rely on it as much.

2. Do you typically use emoticons/smileys and words like “LOL” or “TTYL” in your e-mail messages? What fonts/colors do you normally use, or do you use e-mail stationery? Do you use an e-mail signature?

I’ll use the occasional smiley in an email if I’m joking about something and want to make sure the receiptant knows. I just use the default fonts/colors (black) and no stationery or signatures.

3. How many e-mail accounts do you have, and how often do you check them? About how many messages do you receive per day, and are you good about keeping up with e-mail correspondence? Would you call yourself an “e-mail junkie”?

I have two accounts one personal and one work. At work I get maybe twenty emails not counting spam and at home probably about 5, not including spam. My work email is checked only while at work. My personal email is checked first thing in the morning after I get up, through out the day at work, and then once or twice again after I get home. I don’t get many emails (most are from my DH during the day), so I guess I’m good about keeping up. I’m an email junkie in the sense that my family doesn’t use the phone we use email.

4. Do you subscribe to any e-mail lists, groups, message boards, forums, etc.? Why did you decide to join them? Have you made lots of close friends through these groups? Do you post regularly?

I subscribe to some Yahoo groups but I have most of them set to no email (I think only one is set to email) and I just check them online. I have probably 4 boards I lurk at on a daily basis with three I hit once or twice a week. I post regularly on two of them. But regularly for me is one or two posts a day. I have some friends I’ve made through the groups, but not lots.

5) Who is the most recent person you’ve e-mailed? What was the topic of your message? What is the most recent e-mail that you’ve received? What e-mail program do you use?

I’ve only sent one email so far today and that was to a friend checking to see if she still wanted to go to my sister’s tomorrow for a PartyLite party. Most recent email I’ve received I got from my DH telling me that he made it to work in good time and that there wasn’t a lot of traffic. We use Lotus Notes at work and I use the web interface for my ISP most of the time for my personal email.

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