What is wrong with this picture?
January 17, 2005 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on What is wrong with this picture?If you answered that the knitting needle on the right doesn’t look right, you would be correct. And the reason is that my 4mm Brittany knitting needle broke when I took my bag out of the car Friday night. And why is that important. As you can tell from the photo, I need those needles for the baby afghan. And I need them for my next sweater… and for DH’s sweater!
So, I ran to Michael’s yesterday and got some cheap aluminum needles to tide me over until I can get some good ones from a LYS. So, there I was at Michael’s with a gift card and a 40% off coupon. And what did I leave with? My needles of course and a learn to draw Lilo & Stitch book! Check out my first attempt. It might look like it was done by a 6 year old, but I’m extremely proud of it! My second attempt didn’t come as nice (it is Stitch with all his arms out in his space outfit).
I’ve been kind of feeling blah all week. I’ve chalked it up to not wanting to work on the confetti of Spring Valley. So, I spun some and knitted some over the weekend. I was going to start my sweater this weekend until I realized that it took the same needles as the baby afghan. So, I’ll just have to power through the baby afghan so I can get to my sweater that much faster.
I did try spinning some pencil roving, but it kept breaking. I got really frustrating and I wanted to chuck the entire contraption out the window. But yesterday I restarted and put the bobbin on the higher speed and I now have a bobbin full. Of course all three of my bobbins are now full and I really can’t do anything until my niddy noddy gets here, which should be any day now!
I finished up the yellow square Sunday (as you saw in the picture) and I’m probably halfway finished my fourth square. I was only planning on three a month to make my deadline. But if I do five a month I can get my part done in three months instead.
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