Jenni Babbles…

January 12, 2005 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Jenni Babbles…

I don’t have any scans to show you, but I have lots of thoughts bumbling around in my head, so I’ll just jot them down.

My friend Sue bought us (as in the four who meet on Thursdays at her place) each a Tamagotchi Connection. We’ve recently been playing with genetic experiments to see how to get the different characters (I was tired of the kissing ducks and chickens with toupees). Sue’s goal was a Hanatchi (snake)and mine was a Gozarutchi (ninja). Of course as fate would have it Sue got the Gozarutchi last month and today… I got the Hanatchi. But that is okay because second on my list is the Robotchi which is the result of the same experiment for even generations that the Hantachi is for odd generations. So, enough about that topic, moving on…

Over the weekend I played with my new wheel (when oh when will my niddy noddy get here so I can play some more!). I got confused and tried out Andean plying when I meant to try Navajo plying. Oops. Oh well, good skill to have. I want to try Navajo plying to preserve the color of varigated roving. I don’t think I was given an estimate on how long my niddy noddy will be back ordered. But I think it has been almost two weeks since the rest of the order arrived. But I want to play some more so I can get really good and try out some of the nifty rovings I see on line. Check out the angora/merino/silk blend at The Woolen Rabbit. And moving on to the next topic…

Hand knit sweaters. I think at this point in my life, I’ve only worn one. And that would be the one I finished in December. And while I’m extremely happy with how my first sweater turned out, I’m going to redo some parts of it. I’m unhappy with the way the arms join the shoulder, but most importantly the sleeves are around 3 inches too long. I could just bunch them up a bit but then that just accentuates the poor seaming. So, the solution is to take the arms off and rip them back to before the shoulder cap to get rid of the extra length. Not sure when I’ll do that. It might be a summer project and I’ll just continue to wear it this season. But I have determined that hand knit sweaters are cool and I want more! And that slides us into the next topic…

I’m working right now on the secret project for my sister. I’m about a third of the way finished the third part(of 15). And I have to say that it is my least favorite part to date. What I would love to do is get this quickly finished up and of course put arms and a head on Bobbi Bear. Then I’ll have no projects on the go and I can start either my Liv sweater or the Zip neck pullover for DH. And moving from knitting rotations to cross stitch…

On the Rotation board the question of the week is about our fantasy rotation. I said that mine would be have a rotation that only lasted a month. And since I really like the weekly rotation that means only 4 slots. I currently have 6 slots and two of my projects are big (Spring Valley and Rainforest Afghan). So, one of my goals this year is to get my rotation down to 5 slots. I already have plans for the slot Scent of Old Roses and Night Flight occupy. So, that means when I’m finished Noah’s Ark, the sixth slot will disappear.

Okay, I think that might be enough of my babbling. I have about fifteen minutes before I change and head out for the first yoga class of the winter session (I haven’t had yoga class since the middle of Dec!).

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