It’s a small small world…
January 7, 2005 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on It’s a small small world…So, there I was just minding my own business working doing my work (okay maybe I was taking a break checking out some blogs), when the guy two doors down walks by with someone in a suit. I look up, curious to see who the suit is. And what do I see? A friend from college that I haven’t seen for two years! The only reason people wear suits around here is either to impress a customer or for interviews. So, I figure he is here to be interviewed. At first I thought I was mistaken, but it all fit. The guy who was interviewing him is in the same department (spacecraft power). After I got over the shock, I hopped out of my desk and look down the hall to get another glimpse. Of course by that time they were just turning the corner and heading to the stairs. I run after them but by the time I made it around the corner, they were already headed down the stairs. I had to wait about an hour or so before I could talk to the guy two doors down to see if it was indeed my friend. I think it went something like this:
Me: Did you just interview a guy?
Him: Yes
Me: Can I ask what his name was?
Him: It was… err.. [shuffles paper]
Me: Was it [insert friend’s name]?
Him: [very surprised] Why yes it was.
And then we proceeded to talk about how the interview went. And of course I had to try and find my friend’s email so I can tell him that I saw him today!
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