One down, three to go!

December 10, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on One down, three to go!

I finished up my first Booga bag last night. I’m still debating if I felting it enough. The directions said that it would take 2-3 days for it to dry. I must be living in a very dry house because it was dry when I got home about 12 hours later. So, I’m not as much in a panic since I need to have this done by Sunday. I only felted the bag part since I rationalized that the i-cord wouldn’t take as long to dry. So, I finished up the i-cord (my first one and I’m glad it is being felted!) last night at the weekly Thursday stitch night at Sue’s. One of the most annoying things… I finished up the second skein just as I was half way through binding off… The second booga bag is more than half way finished. I’m near the end of the second skein on that and from the first bag that means that I’m almost done. Hopefully the i-cord on that one will look better.

Last night Sue asked me where my wheel was. On a slow boat to VA. It doesn’t send me updates so I don’t really know where it is right now. Too bad I can’t get UPS type tracking for it… Dear Jenni, I’m currently at 40°N, 20° W. Looking forward to meeting you, Love your new wheel.

In stitching related news… well there is no news. I’m not stitching right now because holiday knitting has taken over my life. But I did buy the fabric and trebizond for Victoria Sampler’s Gazebos that I will be starting next year.

No news on the house hunting front. Winter is really slow so nothing new has been showing up for us to look at.

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