House and Holiday Summary

December 7, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on House and Holiday Summary

We saw three houses last night (didn’t get to see the fourth since it already has a contract).

The first house… We were all a bit shocked by this house. It wasn’t ready to show. The place was very cluttered, the switch plates were missing and the ducts had no covers on them. The worst was probably the stove. It was filthy and the broiler drawer on the bottom was missing. The house was also a bit small. It had three bedrooms, two baths, a large kitchen, a step down living room and an add on office and that was about it. But it did have nice wood floors and nice tile accents (underneath all the clutter).

Our second stop… Very cute house if a bit cookie cutterish. The kitchen cabinets were nicer than the picture lead me to believe. But it didn’t make us go ooh. My main concern is all the construction across the street for a new development of houses (we want to live in the country).

Last stop… The first impression walking into the house, boy are these ceilings low. The realtor’s response, Must be going for the true cape cod feel. The kitchen was great, but the upstairs was not as nice. The bathroom in the master bedroom was a bit strange. Not sure how a curtain would get hung up there. The upstairs had three tiny rooms and the drywalling wasn’t that good. First impress as you walk up the stairs, boo do I feel seasick by the wavy drywall (at the corner of the sloped wall). We also didn’t like the layout of the acre, long skinny plot with the house on the street.

And we continue to look…

I’m insane. I added another project or two to the list for Christmas. Right now, I’m at two bags, one pair of socks, and a hat. I’m a slow knitter without much time, so who knows if I’ve get any of this done. Well, I get the two bags done definitely since I’m more than half way on both.

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