Silly Gallery is down

November 15, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Silly Gallery is down

My gallery is down, but I still have access to the pictures. The gallery software is provided by the server and I tried to use their customization tools for the look of the gallery, but guess what! The tools they had was an older version than the gallery that they have installed for my site and now my gallery is hosed and I don’t have access to the configuration wizard to fix it! I’m thinking of just bailing on the plug-in and installing it myself!

But since I still have access to the photos, here is a photo with the progress I made on Night Flight last week. I think it only has one or two more rotations before it is finished. After I fill in all the obvious bits, I have to do a black border around the entire thing.

This week is Rainforest Afghan.

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