Lots of Progress on Noah’s Ark
November 29, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Lots of Progress on Noah’s ArkI took advantage of the holiday to stitch, stitch stitch!
The old picture isn’t quite up to date. I had finished stitching the minks and pandas and started the cats before this week. And I might have put in a tiny bit more blue in the ark scene.
This week I…
– Backstitched the minks, pandas, and foxes
– Finished the cats, camels, seals, doves, hedgehogs, musk oxes, and squirrels (still need to back stitch them).
– Finished the blue border all the way around (aka the cages)
– Worked a bunch on the ark scene.
Before :
And After:
In other news, I started my sister’s birthday present. I am going to remain quiet on that in case she stops by. I also got word from the seller that my spinning wheel has shipped (estimate is 4 to 6 weeks).
And some how I ended up talking to a mortage lender about getting pre-qualifed for a house. We just started saving in August for a downpayment, but my mom the realtor talked to her friend the mortage lender who gave us a call. It seems that since we are first time home buyers and have good credit, we might be able to get a house now instead of waiting another year and a half to save up some money. I’m supposed to hear back from her today.
DH and I have been talking about all the great things we could get with a new house. We could have an upstairs that isn’t 10 deg cooler than the downstairs and might even have more than one tiny register to heat the entire upstairs. We’d have a roof that didn’t leak. We’d be able to paint the walls instead of living with renter’s white. We could have a full bathroom with walls and maybe even a door!
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