Weekend Progress
October 18, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Weekend ProgressI finished the last sleeve of the Gatsby sweater on Saturday and then spent the rest of the weekend fighting with the finishing. I determined that I did the short rows incorrectly on the front, so I had to undo the three needle bindoff and then frog six rows. I finished up the collar and while I’m not happy with it right now, I have a plan to fix it. I then started to work on seaming the armholes. I have the technique down, but unfortunately I frogged both sleeves and will try again tonight. I might not be finished by in time for CATS, but I would have a good finishing job.
Also this weekend was my nephew’s ninth birthday party. Since he is an October baby, he always does a Halloween these for his party. So, I spend Friday night making spider cookies (from oreos, icing, pretzels and mini M&Ms)and Saturday morning making sugar cookies in the shape of tombstones, cats, pumpkins, and bats. A couple of the tombstones went on the “grave yard” birthday cake along with some of the spides (a yearly hit since 2001!).
For the past two years, my sister and her husband have set up a haunted house in the garage made from trash bags and cardboard boxes. They have spooky music, a fog machine, and some cobwebs and skulls. Mostly it is the unknown which scares the kids. They turn the lights off (and it is really really dark in there) and send them into the maze in groups of three with one flashlight. This year they had three “monsters” hidden in the maze. The first one was my sister’s husband. He was hiding behind a fake trash bag wall and would grab the kids ankles as they walked pass. The second monster was my husband. He would reach out and say something about eating them for dinner. And then third monster was the 14 year old neighbor who was stationed at the end. He just made roaring growling noises and chased the kids out of the door. The kids seemed to really like this… all eleven of the young boys!
Sunday was spend relaxing after we did our Sunday morning walk. We try to get out every Sunday morning for a two hour walk. Last week we did the 3.1 mile hike around Franklin Park. This week we did part of the W&OD trail. I think we did just over 6 miles. The W&OD is one of the skinnest and longest trails in Virginia (100 feet wide and 45 miles long).
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