What I did this weekend…

October 4, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on What I did this weekend…

Friday night, started Mini Mystery G. I got about halfway and then had to frog some. Saturday, went to the TWBB NoVA Get-together and had a great time. Saturday night, continued stitching the pandas on Noah’s Ark. Sunday, finished pandas, threw tiny Bobbi bear into basket after failing on the head for the third time. Small blunt double points and Micro-spun don’t let you do M1 without dropping stitches! Started new Bobbi bear in gray Wool-Ease left over from last year’s catnip mouse extravaganza. I finished his body, legs, and head. I knitted up his ears but still have to attach them. And of course I have to knit his arms on still. I did two rows last night, but then had to rip them out because I was stupid and was knitting inside out. Before I could knit up Bobbi E. Du’s (EDU = engineering development unit)legs, I had to free up more stitch holders, so I joined the shoulders on my sweater and put the collar stitches on the circular needles.

On the Rotation Board for my September goals I said I wanted to finished Apline Wings (whi

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