Sorry I haven’t posted much

September 23, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Sorry I haven’t posted much

I did finish the front of my sweater. But I haven’t posted it yet… not sure why. So here it is:

I’m not in a good mood. My car is sick. On my way home from yoga last night, it wouldn’t stay in 5th gear. I’ve been trying to call the dealership, but they won’t answer their phone!

I was looking forward to getting home since the Bobbi Bear pattern my mom mailed me had arrived. But after having to forceable keep my car in 5th and running into road construction so the 45 minute drive took about an hour and 15 minutes… well, I just wasn’t that happy when I got home and even Bobbi Bear couldn’t cheer me up.

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