Kntting right along

September 27, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Kntting right along

I should have put the knitting away after I finished the front of Gatsby. I even took out Noah’s Ark and worked on it Thursday. I did a little on the ark scene, finished up the mink (or ferrets, haven’t decided which label I’ll use yet), and stated the panda’s. But then on Saturday when I was out and about running errands, I picked up some Lionbrand Micro-spun in French vanilla. I’ve decided to do a proto-type Bobbi bear to see how much I’ll need for the alpaca. And I’ve made good discovery. Sportweight will make a Bobbi bear that is smaller than I want. I think his final height will be about 6 inches when I’m finished. Oh yeah, I started him on Saturday. I didn’t have a lot of time to knit since I had birthday parties and an renaissance festival to attend this weekend. But I finished up his torso last night and will start his butt and legs tonight. Honest! That is what the directions call the various parts! His torso has a diameter of about 2 inches. He is one tiny little bear.

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