What I did over the Holiday Weekend

September 7, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on What I did over the Holiday Weekend

Friday night, I put some time in on Ever So Little Turtles and finished the big turtle and three of the little ones. I have three more little ones left and then backstitching (since I goofed and did 1/4 stitches instead of 3/4 stitches).

On Saturday, I worked on cleaning my craftroom (DH has been hounding me to do this) and then we went to friends and play video games.

Sunday was a lazy day. More cleaning, long naps, and then we watched Hidalgo. It started really slow but was okay in the end.

Monday we woke up early to go hiking. We drove about two hours to get to the parking lot for Old Rag. As we got closer it started to drizzle and then was pretty much raining when we got there. The trail would have been slippery and the view would have been covered in clouds and fog. So, we decided to bail on the hike and we went to Luray Caverns instead. DH had never been there and I’ve only been once but that was about 15 years ago. It was really neat and I go some pretty good pictures.

Then last night, I did a little knitting and a little spinning. I have a 2 oz package of various color remanants that I picked up at MS&WF in May. I spun up maybe an 1 oz total of about five different colors. I think I’m getting the hang of the drafting (only my second time really spinning). But I’m still doing the spin, park, and draft. I did attempt to spin standing but I don’t quite have the hang of that yet.

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