I’m StRIPing!

September 3, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on I’m StRIPing!

Over on the Rotation Board there is a StRIP Club which I’m participating in. And for those not in the know StRIP = Stash Reduction Implementation Plan. The general idea is to end the year with less projects than you started. My list as it stood at the end of April:

TW’s Storyteller (UFO)
Medieval Manuscript I (UFO) No longer a UFO
Tigger and Pooh (UFO)
TW’s Noah’s Ark
Amybear’s Night Flight
Mirabilia’s Scent of Old Roses
Graphworks Rainforest Afghan
Purple Heart’s Spring Valley
Old Fashioned’s Ever So Little #12 Turtle
Indigo Rose’s Sweet James Needle Purse – finished!
Dragon Dream’s Summer is Magic Simple – finished!
TWBBRR – need to redo my Day border
Frog RR – need to finish border
Band Sampler RR – out to some friends to add more bands.
Kona Cat

Started since then
Black Swan’s Apline Wings – finished all but beads (which a friend is doing since she loves it)
Bib for new nephew

So, the final count I started May with 15 projects (3 of which were UFOs). I started two new projects, but I finished three. So, that puts me at a final count of 14. I think I’m doing pretty good so far. One of my UFOs also came out of the craft room and I worked on it for a week, so I’ll say it is only a semi-UFO right now.

I’m started back on the Turtle last night and I should have that finished by the end of the Holiday weekend. I did noticed I made a oppsie. I should have been doing 3/4 stitches instead of 1/4 stitches since the thing is not backstitched. And since it is in a varigated silk, I can’t really go back and add the extra 1/2 stitch. So, I can either redo it, or back stitch the big turtle. I’m currently leaning towards backstitching.

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