Progress on Night Flight
August 28, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Progress on Night FlightMy plan was to work on Night Flight until I felt like moving on. While I am throughly enjoying working on this project, I had forgotten that extended amounts of time working on this hurts my shoulders because of the strange stitching position. This thing is very long so when I’m stitching near the middle, my left arm is being held up pretty high behind the canvas. I have tried to rotate the desgin, but my stand isn’t wide enough for that. I think my limit is about one week of working on this before I have problems. So, my week is up and I have to move on. Here is my progress picture from the past week. I finished up the large dark green section and the four sections below that. I also worked on the bird and some more on the moon. Here is a link to an older scan.
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