Woe is me?
August 4, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Woe is me?I was going to write a big post about woe is me… but no one really cares. I probably won’t be posting here until I get back from Honduras the night of August 18th. I was going to post here during my trip. But to be honest, I personally think that I’m doing something really cool and I thought other people might think that too. For the record, not a single person online has commented about my trip either here or on the various boards where I’ve mentioned this. Heck no one has even acknowledged that I’m going away for two weeks. So, since the overwhelming response seems to be we don’t care, why should I even bother to go through the extra hassle of trying to post here while I’m gone. I can just as easily email the two people who care.
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