Update #2

August 12, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Update #2

Not sure if I’ll be able to get back on after this. I’m actually on line to get a recipe for Peach Cobbler. Our host lived in the US for 5 years and while she really loves and misses Apple Pie, there isn’t a good source of apples here, so the next best thing is cobbler and she can get peaches from Guatemala (gee my spelling is horrible without www.m-w.com available to me!). We’ve worked three days so far on the house and are about half way up the windows. We will work tomorrow and then Friday we head to the beach before going to the wedding. I got to go to the bridal shower (it was held where I’m staying). They played all the same games. It was actually very humorous. I knew exactly what was going on eventhough I couldn’t understand what they were saying. I have a nice little abrasion over my left eye from my encounter with the cement on Tuesday. I hope that heals okay. Besides that I’ve only got a bunch of bruises. The difficult work began today. They put up this really unstable scaffolding (ack, my spelling is horrible) so we can reach the upper rows to put the block up. Err… can’t think of what else to say. Adios!

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