Why am I going to Honduras?
August 5, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Why am I going to Honduras?Erica asked a great question. So, for those who have no clue why I’m going… I’ll post a small summary. The super quick version: to help build this… The longer version: The Honduras Parternship is between Bethel Evangelical and Reformed Church in El Progreso, Honduras and the UCC Congregrations in the Catoctin Association. This is the 8th trip and will continue the worked started in January on house building in Briza del Sur, a colonia of about 75 families on the outskirts of El Progreso. The housing poverty is still as poor as when this partnership began. After families lost their homes in hurricane Mitch (1998), many have been living in wood lean-tos. Because of the environment, termites are big problem and many of these shacks are falling down. The houses that we help build are cinderblock and while they are very small by our standards (I think they are about 250 sqft), they are much nicer and bigger than what the families are currently living in. For this trip, we leave on Monday and arrive in the afternoon. The first day will be lunch with the church and an orientation of the area. The next four days we work on the house. Saturday we go to Tela Beach and possibly a wedding. Sunday is church and a late afternoon workshop (not sure what the workshop is about). Monday and Tuesday morning we continue to work on the house. Tuesday afternoon we have a tour of San Pedro Sula and go shopping. That evening is a party and program with the church and Wednesday we go home.
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