Daydreaming on Paper

August 4, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Daydreaming on Paper

While I appreciate the nice comments that people write (actually I love comments), I didn’t write my woe is me to get sympathy (like some people think blogs are all about). I actually feel bad when I write about feeling down and I get lots of comments. It makes me feel like I’m fishing for compliments. So, in an attempt to cheer me up, I went to Daydreaming on Paper and got an inspiration. I saw this on on Terri’s blog who saw it on Annette’s.I didn’t like the first two they gave me. I don’t want to write about the things I hate about my job and I talk enough about my hobbies. So, money it is… Is money taboo? Do you discuss it freely or is it something not to be discussed? I don’t discuss it freely but it isn’t taboo. I’m in a rather strange situation. I have a friend who is significantly weathly (at least compared to me and most people I know). We don’t talk super freely about money. Probably because I don’t feel comfortable. She isn’t my friend because of her monetary situation but because we share a lot of interests and can chatter away like a pair of magpies. Another reason I don’t talk about money… my family. They seem to be obsessed with how much things cost and if they are getting a bargin. And I can understand that. I’m lucky that I have a good job that allows me to not have to worry about money as much. Generalizations are okay, but not details. I mean do you really want someone asking you details about your finanical security? It would seem fishy and creepy to me.

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