
July 20, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Ugh…

Well, the last couple of days have been exciting… okay not really. I worked the midnight shift on Friday night so I had the day off. So, that meant shopping! I needed to get a bunch of stuff for my Honduras trip, including two sundresses. I got almost everything on my list! Since Saturday evening was the 3rd Sat of the month, that mean dinner with grandma. It was a shorter dinner than usual because we got there about two hours later than usual since I got home from work at 6 am. I started to feel bad that evening, but really didn’t think much of it. Sunday I convinced DH that we should just stay at home and not go visit his family. I started to feel even worse. With it all reaching a high point (or is that low point) about 2:30 am Monday morning. I took yesterday off from work and still felt a bit bad. I’m not at 100% but I’m at work now… silly me. My stomach is starting to behave, but now my throat feels funny and I think my tongue is swollen. But I did find out what family I will be staying with in Honduras. And I have their phone number and email address. Yeah! There is a possibility I’ll be able to email from there! And that means, blog updates! Probably not every day. I don’t want to seem rude by hogging their computer every night. But I’m thinking maybe one or two updates might be possible. I didn’t stitch at all over the weekend, but I did do some knitting. I finished one of the three dish clothes I have planned as part of the gift for the family I’ll be staying with. And I started the second one yesterday.

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