July 1, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on WOW!I’m both impressed by the fact that I managed to stitch this entire thing last night and with how it turned out. I did 5 bands mostly from VS’s Sweet Pea Gazebo. There is a band or two from one of the other Gazebos. It isn’t what I was first planning because when I started to stitch I realized that I had counted wrong and had to mod the entire thing in Pattern Maker to make it fit. And then when I started to stitch one of the bands last night, I realized that it was identical to the very first band of the piece (well almost), so I only did one row of Scotch stitch instead of the planned two. I finally finished up about 11:30 last night (an hour and a half after my usual stopping time). I would have probably stopped at 10 like usual, but DH was still braiding away and then trying to get his new climbing rope up on the tree last night. We both finished about the same time. This is my section of Karin’s RR from #3 Band Sampler RR on the TWBB Round Robin board. I think that Karin’s is one of the prettiest I’ve work on so far!
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