What a horrible concert!

July 28, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on What a horrible concert!

We had a concert last night outside of a sports pavillion near a lake… and it was the worst concert I’ve ever been a part of. We butchered the first song, then started to get better… until near the end. The saxophones missed their entrance (and they were the only ones playing), so the conductor tried to get them to start again, but they weren’t looking at him, so they just came in whenever… so the clarinets didn’t know when their part was supposed to start (it was a fugue) so they guessed, and the flutes and oboes, we came in where we were supposed to based on where the clarinets were… but we all got the the end of the phrase at different times. So, the conductor actually had to stop everyone and then say we’ll start again at 56 and away we went… man was it embarassing! Not to mention that the music was flying every where and there was a storm threatening. I think the first rain drop fell about three minutes after I got to my car. And I was thinking that this concert was going to be pretty good based on last week’s practice. Of course since we are playing the same music for the next concert, we’ve had people at practice who weren’t going to be at this concert but will be at the next one. Man does that screw you up! I think half of the people from last week weren’t even there! The next one should be better because only the people who will be playing in it will be there.

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