Woe is me!
June 24, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Woe is me!Wow, it has a been a sad couple of days… First Sue went on vacation… and left me all alone for three whole weeks! Okay, we will still be in contact after she arrives in Florida. But since it is hard traveling with almost 4 year olds, they are taking two to three days to get there. So, no emails, no posts to our own little forum… for three whole days! I’ve now determined based on this experience and DH’s travel from last week, that it is no fun being the one left behind. And I’ve had to go to yoga by myself for the past two weeks! And next session we are in different yoga classes. I was the first to sign up, she was the second and there was only one opening in that class. And no stitching night tonight! Debbie is taking a summer class so she hasn’t been able to make it for the past month or so, and Cathy is busy tonight. But I think I’ll be going to Cathy’s (instead of Sue’s) the two following Thursdays. Then I got a new book on tape for the car and that is making me depressed (it is about a woman going through a divorce… not sure what happens after that). So, I’m sad and depressed and get home… to find a grumpy DH! I found out this morning that the reason he was grumpy was that just before I got home for yoga, he weighed himself and was not happy with the results. So, something light… The ABC’s of Jenni Act your age? No, I act my DH’s age (3 years younger) Born on what day of the week? Tuesday Chore you hate? You mean there are chores that people like? Dad
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