Stitcher’s Five

June 28, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Stitcher’s Five

1. Do you take something new to stitch when you travel – a special travel stitching project? I don’t purposefully start a new project. But I don’t take my large project with me when I travel. So, if I don’t have a couple of small projects started, I’ll start something new! 2. Do you plan your trips around stitching shops? No. I do check to see if anything is around. But most of the time I’m traveling with family and I don’t want them to be super bored while I’m shopping. 3. Do you believe that if you cross state lines you MUST buy fibers? Err… no. I don’t buy many fiber normally, why would traveling be any different? 4. Where have you stitched? Well, besides my home state of Maryland and my current state of Virginia, I’ve stitched on the plane going to South Carolina, California, Hawaii and Taiwan. I’ve also stitching in Pennsylvania and Delaware. I think I might have stitched on the Metro heading into DC. 5. Do your friends/family bring you stitching related gifts when they travel? Well, my friends and family don’t travel much. I think the last gift I received from something who went on travel was when my mom went out west with my aunt about five years ago. So, no… I don’t get stitching related gifts from friends/family when they travel. Should I be scared? I’ve been asked to play a solo (oboe of course) at my church in August… I just started playing again last March after a… err… many year absence. I’m not sure if I’m ready to play a solo at church. But I figure even if I sound like an out of key dying duck that they will still think I’m great. So, it is a chance to get some experience with playing solos so when I’m ready to take some on with the band, I won’t be as nervous.

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