Stitcher’s Five
June 2, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Stitcher’s Five1. What is your most treasured needlework possession?
For tools, it is a toss between my tool case that Sue made for me and my scissors.
2. What is your greatest fear when doing needlework?
That I’ll lose interest before I finish and have yet another UFO.
3. What is your greatest extravagance in needlework?
My scissors.
4. What is your stitching motto?
It is a hobby, so enjoy it.
5. What do you dislike most about your needlework?
The guilt. I have so many things I want to start, but have so many things that need to be finished. I feel guilty for the charts I have but haven’t started and I feel even more guilty about the things I’ve started and haven’t finished.
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