Friday Five
June 18, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Friday Five1. What is the creepiest everyday object you know? I can’t really think of anything that is an everyday object in *my* life that is creepy. 2. What’s the most useful everyday item? My car. Where would I be without it? Alone and hungry at home. I’d have to walk 6 miles to get to the grocery store and 25 miles to get to work. 3. What’s the most useless everday item? Well, I tend not to buy useless things, it would probably have to be something someone else bought for me. I don’t usually burn candles but I have a bunch that people have given me. They just sit around and gather dust. 4. If the power was out for 24 hours, what would you do? Well, I did got on a 4 day hike in the woods. So that was more than 24 hours without power, right? We hiked during the day, cooked by propane. Read and play games before going to sleep for the night. If I was at home. I would cook by propane. Read, stitch, or knit. Play some games with DH. And then go to sleep for the night. 5. If you had to have one item you use everyday surgically attached to you, what would it be, and why? My Swiss army knife. I’m lost without it! And since I missed them earlier this week… Stitcher’s Five 1. Is your DH/partner supportive of your stitching? Yes, he oohs and aahs over my stitching and even complains that I give everything away we have nothing on our walls (I solved that and put up Stretch and Above the Clouds). 2. Do you ever stitch in company? Yes, at least once a week at our Thursday get-togethers. 3. Been to a GTG (Get ToGether)? I’ve been to three MD/VA TWBB GTGs. I went to two TWBB dinners at CATS-Hershey. And I met up with TWBBers at a retreat at Myrtle Beach. 4. Does anyone complain about your stitching? Sort of. When I’m working thermal vacuum tests, it can get really boring watching data that is only collected every 2 minutes. So, I stitch. One of my co-workers now thinks I do nothing at work but stitch… and I don’t think he says this in a joking way. 5. Ever had a stranger comment on your stitching? Yes. I don’t tend to stitch in public much. But one semester I was taking two evening classes to finish up my Master’s. And since the school was an hour and a half from work/home, I tended to get there early most times. So, I would sit outside the class room and stitch. I always had people commenting as they walked by.
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