Home Alone
June 16, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Home AloneI usually don’t have a problem being home alone, especially if I know DH will be home at a certain time. But for the second time ever, I’ve been home all night along with DH not here (he won’t be back until Friday). And what comes to mind? All the things other people say. A friend once said she wouldn’t feel safe out here alone (in the middle of a 50 acre farm surrounded by other 50 acre farms). So, because other people put the little germ of the idea in my head, I noticed that I was straining at every little noise last night. Thankfully I had the AC window unit on in the bedroom, all I could hear was that and the cat at 4 am. Actually that isn’t fair. The germ was probably already there. I had an apartment on my own for 2 years and sometimes I got a bit nervous since it was on a ground floor (cheaper that way). I always felt safer when DH (then DBF) stayed the night. But I think that is a bit different… ground floor apartment and middle of no where. The chance of someone actually finding my house is very remote. So, if you were going away for a 3 day vacation to a resort spa, would you get massages, facials, manicures or other fancy things like that? We need to make our reservations 3 weeks in advance. If it wasn’t for money, I’d sign up for one of the packages they have.
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