Friday Five

June 11, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Friday Five

I’ve read on a couple of blogs (Christine, Annette, and Whizgidget’s) that the Friday Five is back. I didn’t like the questions for this week, so I’m going to use the ones on Whiz’s post from today.
1. What candy is sitting on your desk (or closest to you) right now?
Milk chocolate M&M’s. I keep a mug full at work to help keep the co-worker’s happy.
2. What was your favorite candy as a child, and why?
I’m not sure if I had a favorite. I like most of the major US candy bars. Maybe jawbreakers because they turned cool colors as they dissolved.
3. What is your least favorite type of candy?
fruit filled chocolates (the chocolate covered cordial cherries are disgusting!). But I like real fruit dipped in chocolate.
4. Name a candy that brings up a vivid memory and describe the memory.
Well, it would either be turning my white floss pink after eating a pixie stix or how great and yummy the Godiva chocolate covered strawberries and raspberries were.
5. If you *were* a piece of candy, what candy would you be, and why?
I tend to be a jack of all trades (or is that a jill of all trades), so I would be a Snickers bar because it has lots of different things in it.
Now that the friday five is done. I’ll just summarize somethings coming up that I’m excited about. Well, the first would be the new/used fridge we are getting tomorrow! Yeah! If we can manage to get this thing plumbed, we’ll not only have an automatic icemaker, but a cool front dispenser for water and ice. Then there is a possiblity that I might be going back to Taiwan for a review. That would be the same time as a satellite test (3rd shift, like usual). After that… Vacations! We have a stitching weekend planned at Coolfront Resort in WVa. It will be our Thursday evening group for a 3-day weekend. Then a week after that, I go to Honduras for nine days to help build a small cinder block house for a local family. That should be a great trip too. And… I’ve decided that I’ll have enough vacation time to do all 3 days at CATS this year!

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