What is Jenni working on…

June 9, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on What is Jenni working on…

… Well, it feels like not much expect work. We are getting close to the end of this phase of the contract I’m working on and I’m really involved much with the next phase… So just when I’m think I’m almost finished… I’m not.
In hobby news, I’m working on Dragon Dream’s Myrtle Beach project (sorry no scans allowed). I should be finished all the x’s this week and will start on the backstitching. The weekend is filling up fast and I have most of Saturday already planned! So, my current plan is to reduce the number of projects I have current in progress. So, phase one… finish up the small stuff. Phase two won’t start until probably September. Hopefully I’ll have more time then to stitch!

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