Happy Monday!

June 7, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Happy Monday!

I actually had a co-worker say that to me today… Stither’s Five 1. Do you give away any of your finished stitching as gifts?Yes, most of my “big” projects are actually gifts.2. Do you sell any of you finished stitching?No, I don’t sell my stitching!3. Do you give any of your stitching away to charities?Yes, I’ve done a couple of squares for charity quilts.4. Do you keep any of your stitching for yourself?I have a couple of projects for me, but since they have no deadline, they don’t get finished as quickly.5. Do you stitch anything as part of exchanges or round robins? Yes, I’ve done both ornament exchanges and round robins. But I think after the current RR I’m in, I’m going to hold off a bit so I can finish some of my stuff up.I had a good weekend. We saw Harry Potter on Saturday. I’m still not sure if I liked it as much as the first two. I really want to but… it just didn’t have the same feel as the first two and I’m not sure if that is because of the books get darker or because of the new director.Speaking of Harry Potter, my pastor said that he was hoping the next book would be out in time to take with him on our trip to Honduras. I almost laughed. We haven’t even hear a release date yet and you know it will be at least six months after that when we finally do see it.

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