Strange Week

May 22, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Strange Week

warning… this is mostly a work rant…I’ve had a very strange week. I’ve been going from 1st shift to 2nd shift to 3rd shift all week long. I had 3rd shift on the tvac test over the weekend (Saturday and Sunday nights) and then I took off Monday (got home at 7 am). I worked 2nd shift on tvac on Tuesday (but went in at 9am to my regular project). Then had my normal hours on Wednesday and Thursday. And today… 3rd shift again. I’m scheduled for tomorrow also, but I’m hoping they stick to schedule and end coverage at 8pm, which means I won’t be coming in.So, as a result, I’m not sure which end is up, what day it is or even what time it is. My internal clock isn’t the greatest to begin with (I’m talking about being able to guess the time without a clock handy, not the baby making internal clock). And in the middle of all this, I’ve been madly trying to get a presentation ready for next week. It is a fairly big presentation and it is happening at the customer’s headquarters in Taiwan. As a result, the entire team isn’t going. So, the mechanical guy is going to brief my slides. So, I had to come in early today (he was leaving early, I was working 3rd shift) to go over the general idea of the slides. Some of the team left today for Taiwan, the rest are leaving either over the weekend or on Monday. I’m not going. No problemo. I get a quiet week at work next week. Oh, but wait, I’m going to go backpacking for 4 days/3 nights starting on Thursday! I’m really looking forward to the time off.

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